Sunday, November 27, 2011

Choke cable and start

Well it's been almost 2 months since I last made progress, not easy to restore a car when you have a newborn at home !
Luckily i have an understanding wife and it will just get easier from now.

So this week end I installed the new choke cable that i ordered a while back. It has an upgraded design where you have to twist to release but unfortunately the knob from the old one cant be put on that one, so i ll have to order that. Hopefully it looks like the old one to keep the original look.

Then my goal was to start the car and finally test these new brakes. Starting was noooot easy..... So here is what i ended up doing to get it to finally start :
- cleaned all plugs, they were black but it looked more like oil. I wont rush to conclusions on that one because i still havent had the chance to rev that engine properly while taking the car out and drive more than 5 minutes.
- replaced the ht coil flat connectors
- check compressions, 150 on all cylinders, at least that sounds like good news.
- cleaned the top part of the distributor so it can move more freely.

So i managed to start after many attempts but that took a while plus at the beginning the engine would die as soon as i accelerate. I believe this could be due in part to a poorly adjusted timing so I guess I ll have to buy one of these stroboscopic lights.

Next steps : get the engine running better, get out of the garage (finally !) and test the brakes then work on battery charging circuit.

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