Friday, May 3, 2013

Triumph spitfire differential rear oil seal and bearings replacement

I ordered new side seals for the differential thinking "yeah I'll just slap those on while I am there".

Found bits on the web with how to do, took me a while to figure out. So here is the full job with photos, maybe it'll save you some time.

First step, take out the snap ring.

Then capture the bearing with one of these bearing extractor tool. Could not have done it without it because the gap to catch the bearing is so small there is no way to rig something up.
I prefer to catch at the bearing than from the flange below because I tried from the flange on a spare one and it started bending.

Put it in the press and apply the tons ! Beware, it will take a lot of pressure and come out with a bang.

Push the old seal out with the right size sockets

Press the new seal in

Ready for installing the new bearing. At less than $10 per bearing I prefer to install new ones. These are a very common size. I used 6205RS (thanks Steve for the tip !)

 Press them back in.

Tada ! Painted flanges and ready to be mounted.


  1. I see the bearings that you put on are sealed where the originals are not. Is this ok?

  2. Hi Jim, I did ask myself the question, googled it and came to the conclusion it was just as good if not better. Time will tell...
