Thursday, December 12, 2013

Replacing the ring gear on the triumph spitfire flywheel

Finally a job that did not take longer than expected !

My gears were in really bad shape as you can see on the photo. It is possible to buy just the ring part at an affordable price from the usual supplier.

Step 1 : Remove the old ring. I did a small hole followed by a bigger hole almost the same size as the ring. Once I was near completion of the bigger the ring cracked, relieving the pressure and I was able to remove easily.

Step 2 : Ring was resting on the end of an anvil, and heated it up with a torch. Not too hot but was checking size from time to time with a small rod you can actually see on the last photo. Not too hot is key, it did not get red and did not smoke.

Step 3 : Grabbed the ring with pliers and placed where it belong, went in not problem, no need to push or anything. Note that the bevelled size of the ring goes on the clutch side when you have the starter motor like me where the gear it outside and moves in when it rotates.

Voila !

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