Monday, December 26, 2011

Won't run

So I could not get the engine to run this week end !
Plugs were pretty black from last week's run, I removed the carbs and adjusted the butterfly on one of them as it was always letting air leak through making the adjustment impossible.

Now I redid the advance setup as 6 BTDC static but I am wondering if the little hole on the pulley stands for TDC or 6deg BTDC ?
Can't get the engine to run and have suspicions around the whole ignition system since the plugs usually smell of gas when I take them out. And the plugs I was using are nit the correct type.

Next steps :
- New plugs (champion 9YC), rotor, distrib cap and coil
- or maybe a genius idea
-  start to sort out the dashboard or do some bodywork to take my mind of this crazy engine start issue. Bodywork therapy !

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